ALL SUBJECTS ARE VOID if the site fails to recognize members !!

Granted I have only paid for a monthly UNLIMITED membership until I learn the value, again, I paid for an UNLIMITED membership
All I see is locked listings that only offer a few pages before demanding a membership
See what I’m getting at here?
The app does sometimes make it seem as if need to purchase a membership even if you have, but if you are logged in you should be able to access all the content.
If you are not sure if you are logged in tap the menu icon in the upper right corner then scroll down to the member section it will either say login or logout if you are already logged in.
You do not hear what I am trying to alert you to. Your software has a problem. You are not providing what I paid for. Is that really OK with you?
Wow man. Good call. Serious stuff.
Poodledad1 -
Let's take a step back and consider the possibilities here. Have you reached out to customer service?
[email protected] or 1 (800) 477-8727
92 out of 100 times I've seen this complaint, it's because of a billing issue. I'd be willing to bet that your account lapsed or something. Is it possible you had a credit card expire recently?
The other 8 times it was because the user signed up with a different email and didn't realize it.
We have plenty of things to work on here, but the website login function is working just fine.
I have noticed that periodically I get logged out. Other times it logs me in using auto fill I guess. To the OP, did you check to see if in fact you are logged in when this occurs? I know that this sounds like the "are you sure the item is plugged in?" but it does happen.
Hmm. All I can say is what a dear friend used to say: "Murphy never sleeps".
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