Hey there again.
Did you know that Fir is some of the most splintery wood in the world? Even if there are other woods that are splintery, I know that I have enough fir in my hands to build a fifth door. Here is one for you. Not a question but a request, To those of you whom do so, please pray that Lord Jesus Christ will grant me patience. Near the end of each project I do I get quite impaitent and try to force things together. This is no good. So now at 11:00 I am going to call it quites before I end up breaking my doors over my head in frustration. But on the plus side tonight, I found an old folding ruler. The school where I work was originally built in 1910-15. So there are all sorts of old tools around from the years. I found an older stanley foreplane and a few other various smoothers, a few old fret saws, a couple draw knives, an old brace etc etc. So there are all sorts of adventures to be had here. It is quite fun. Anyways of to bed. God Bless all of you and your holidays
Well hello derek! Nice name!
My feet will attest to the splinteryness of our fir floors! Good luck and don't rush it!
derek ,
Yes I would have to agree of all the types of wood splinters I have had in many years ,Fir splinters seem to hurt as much as the worst , Redwood , Cedar , Mahogany and a few others . Fir splinters almost feel like they are square or something. As far as becoming hurried, rushed, or impatient towards the end of a job : I call it " inner game" the book of the same title was first applied towards the game of tennis .Essentially , when we are upset or irritated or otherwise un happy our muscles and blood flow to them do not work at the highest function . Therefore we can not be at the top of our " GAME " in this case, work. Remember the part you see first do best. Unfortunately that would be the final steps in most projects. The best advise I was given when I apprenticed was if you are making a cut and it starts to go off , STOP . When you first know something is off STOP don't make it harder on yourself.
good luck dusty
When I build work-bench bases with Doug Fir, I carry a pair of needle-nosed pliers in my back pocket and band-aids in my front. ha.. ha...
Do you WW comercially? If not, I'm not quite sure what the hurry is all about? Have a little talk with your-self. You will end up finishing quicker by using discipline and a relaxed attitude than by rushing and having to repair mistakes.
sarge.. jt
Proud member of the : "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
I'm "older than dirt" and I've had one thing that has never varied over a long life. Everything I "knew" when I was 20 has changed but this:
The Uncle Enery Rule of Life
Hurry Up and Screw Up
It may be a variation on Murphy's Law, or something, but I know it is true. That's why The Lord gave us coffee -- so when we have the urge to hurry, we can stop and have a cup.
I'm only 56 (ha..ha...), but I must have read the rule in your book long ago. I got involved in WW 31 years ago and at one time as most young folks do, I considered attempting it for a living. Weighing the pros and cons, I decided definitely not as I would have dead-lines that had to be met. That can translate to hurry. To me it takes the enjoyment away and it leads to mistakes and cover-ups.
So now I'm just an old hobbyiest with a coffee pot in the shop that says on. Instead of selling things, I just give them away for charitable purposes. I have only sold 3 peices and all were put in freinds "high-end" shops on consignment. Was asked to duplicate on all after they were bought. No thanks. That translates to dead-lines and having to make the same piece twice, which is another thing I don't do.
The good news is, "It's been a h*ll of a ride and I've enjoyed every minute of it". Got to go as the last of the Xmas toys for the needy will be completed by late today. The 14 of us did over 500 this year with room to spare. Hey, we ran out of donated scraps. Won't know what to do for the next several days.
Crank up your coffee pot and I'll be right over for a cup...
sarge..jtProud member of the : "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
That reminds me of something my dad used to say: "The only time you'll see me in a hurry is right before I f@ck something up, and right after!"
And I have a feeling you dad is a wise man. He pretty much nailed that. ha.. ha..
Merry Xmas to you and your dad...
sarge..jtProud member of the : "I Rocked With ToolDoc Club" .... :>)
Kind of like 'Never enough time to do it right but always enough time to do it over'.
Relax, this is supposed to be fun.
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