Adjustment screws on Delta Jointer

I just got a Delta DJ-20 jointer. After finding out the hard way that my outfeed table wasn’t aligned with the cutter, I set out to adjust it. Using the adjustment screws behind the bed, I carefully adjusted until the cutter just touched the straight edge, ran a test peice, then I locked the adjustment screws down. The problem comes back……. Re-adjust, but this time, I just lock the bed with the lever on the front and everything seems OK. It looks as if the bed moved when I locked down those adjustment screws. Is it necessary to lock them down? If so, what am I doing wrong? If not, what purpose do they serve?
I had trouble with mine delta jointer - I propped up the out feed table with a stick{ wedge it between the floor and the bottom of the table} then tighten it up.
I had the same problem on a brand new JT360. I finally found the problem to be the two screws which held the captured nut on the height adjusment handle for the outfeed table. They were loose, once I tightened them up the maching has worked as advertised.
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