I need to highlight the joints in this project. Any experience adding tint or paint to Titebond?
thanks, Al
I need to highlight the joints in this project. Any experience adding tint or paint to Titebond?
thanks, Al
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That's a neat idea, never thought of it, I guess a person could try on a sample joint. I don't know how much color you would see on a good glue line.
I have some ebony stain, I'll try tomorrow.
glue lines
Let me know how you do with the ebony stain. I may try Japan colors.
A glue line that shows is a weak joint.
Maybe this could be the sort of idea
PS: if they are totally non structural I once "created" visible glue lines that were fairly wide. I used Gorilla glue that was too old and thick to make strong invisible joints. I find you can "accelerate" the thickening of the Gorilla glue by adding water and mixing it in. Careful it foams like crazy after a minute or two. Don't mix water directly into the glue bottle. Don't ask how I know. Sure was funny though. When it starts you wonder if the room is going to be filled with foam. Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Sure could see the glue lines though. High clamp pressure made no real difference.
I wound up cutting the glue lines apart with a circular saw and re jointing them with fresh glue.
glue lines
Thanks for the input and the pictures. I will not try Gorilla glue!
Gorilla Glue is a great product !
Back then they had just introduced their water based wood glue and I was not aware of it.
I went to their site looking for a way to thin their original polyurethane glue and confused the new glue info. I said "That sounds nuts ! I gotta try it !".
Yah it was nuts but I was the nut not them.
This is the glue they were thinning with water
This is what I had and does not thin with water
Boy was I surprised
Ha, Ha, Ha, Ha
I should think you could color Titebond with artists colors or a drop of TransTint from Homestead Finishes. Check with Jeff Jewett to be sure. I agree that a joint that's highly visible is probably a weak joint. Could you sandwich in a strip of veneer to highlight the joint?
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