Does anyone know of an 8″ jointer with a 60″ bed? I definitely want the additional width but I’m cramped for space in my shop. Are there any alternatives other than going for a combination machine?
Does anyone know of an 8″ jointer with a 60″ bed? I definitely want the additional width but I’m cramped for space in my shop. Are there any alternatives other than going for a combination machine?
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There isn't that much gained by having a short bed you still need several feet on either end of the machine for stock feeding.
John W.
John,Good point! I suspect I'll end up springing for a Grizzly 490, but it would be nice not to take up the extra space when I'm not using it.Regards,Ron
Older Powermatic Model 60 (light green). I have one and don't think it's much more than 60".
you may have read some of my other posts. I have an 8" jointer with a 73" deck. It takes up a LOT of room, is heavy to move and is for sale.
I am of the opinion that careful selection of wood, a well tuned hand plane, a good blade on the table saw and Keith Rust's sled (FWW 175) will handle most of your surfacing needs.
I really like the sled idea for consistent feed rate, safety and the ability to maximize the use of assets, one tool to maintain. The table saw with a beautiful Ridge blade puts a lovely edge on anything I run past it.
If I ever out grow the 13" planer, I only have to upgrade one tool.
If its really too long you can always shorten a bed! I have noticed some jointers have small extensions on the bed ends to lengthen them. Might find one of these and just not install the extensions.
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