100 year old 12″ jointer on craigslist

I recently found this jointer for sale for $250 on my local craigslist.
Right now it is running a 3hp motor on 3 phase power, which I am not set up for.
I’m guessing that I could by a 3hp 1 phase motor more cheaply than a phase converter, and just convert it.
Does this feel like a good bargain, considering the work in clean-up and set-up, purchase of new blades (most likely) and the motor conversion?
Does anyone recognize this model jointer or know more about it based on the photos.
It is said to date back to the Showers Furniture factory here in my home town.
Do you think it was once powered by a line shaft?
Would love your insights,
( i accidentally attached one of the photos twice )
I picked one just like this up last summer for $200 but it has no motor (it still has the 4" wide pulley for a leather belt). But alas, it sits in the garage, not the shop, waiting for me to outfit a motor. I've used old jointers in big shops and you can't beat the wide, heavy table.
I'm no fan of phase converters and if you don't have 3 phase, you probably can't get it. I'd just switch the motor........ when you have time......
Check the bearings very closely, almost guaranteed to be babbit and not roller bearings. Babbit bearings are OK and have worked for years and are still used in some new powerplant equipment. But you will certainly want to pull the bearing caps and flush them out with clean Kerosene, clean the oil rings(slingers) check the oil channels in the bearings, and refresh with new oil. I would also put a magnetic dial indicator base on one of the beds and the indicator point on on the cutter head near the bearing and gently pry on the bottom of the shaft, If the play is over .010 or so you might want to think about rebabbiting. Also a good practice is to oil the bearings before starting the unit (every time).
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
Nothing wrong with Babbitt bearings which the jointer clearly has. I do have a concern with the head. It may be round but it's the clamshell type head which was a transitional head between the square head and more modern round head with gibs. The clamshells typcically take a thicker knife, 1/4" with slots and have been known to throw knives. Knives are special order and not typically stocked by most tooling sellers.
As far as the three phase issue it would be cheaper to put a VFD than to change the motor. http://www.factorymation.com techs would help size the VFD.
Thanks-It's starting to look like this might be more of a project than I want to take on for right now. Someday I would love to restore a well made older tool such as this one, but I think I'll make do with my simple and effective 6" grizzly jointer for now. If I bought a machine like this one, I would want to really do a first class restoration job on it. I would even consider a new spiral cutterhead and having new bearings made, etc... but this is beyond my current budget (both in time and money) so I'd better let this one go. The machine we've been looking at is in Bloomington, IN if anyone else is interested.
Could you enlighten us as to the purpose of the ledge on the outfeed table? I have seen many jointers with a rabbeting ledge on the infeed table but this outfeed table ledge has me puzzled.
RichThe Professional Termite
The ledge on the outfeed table would be for allowing the overhang from rabbetting. Notice how it's set inline with the end of the knife projection on the head. One would set your rabbet to be done in one pass.
I must have had my brain in backwards when I looked at the pic and asked the question. (a senior moment) I have used jointers for rabbeting before. Now that I am thinking clearly again I realize I had it turned around. :~(
The Professional Termite
Edited 10/12/2007 9:35 am ET by trialnut
I went and looked at this jointer last weekend. I decided it was a no-go based on the head, and figured no one else would be too interested either, so didn't follow up on it. It would be in my garage right now if it had a standard three cutter head...
I just looked on Craigslist in <!----><!----><!---->Bloomington<!----><!----> and didn't see this posted. Do you know if it is still available? <!----><!----><!---->
Bob T.<!----><!---->
Here is the linkhttp://bloomington.craigslist.org/tls/439846487.htmlThe jointer was listed on oct 4thcheck it out
My son is currently at IU. Maybe I can get him to go take a look at it.
Do you want to sell the old washing machine behind the jointer?
It probably would be a bit of a project. Here are some interesting links for you:
On repouring Babbit:
Old Woodworking Machines.com
-Groucho Marx
Can anyone tell me the make of this Jointer? This is the same one i have and there are no model numbers etc.... to help in determining the make.
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