Hit the road with Fine Woodworking's Ed Pirnik and Jon Binzen as they set off for the workshop of celebrated woodworker George Nakashima.
Every two weeks, a team of Fine Woodworking staffers answer questions from readers on Shop Talk Live, Fine Woodworking’s biweekly podcast. Send your woodworking questions to [email protected] for consideration in the regular broadcast!
Listen to the podcast, or catch it in iTunes. Remember, our continued existence relies upon listener support. So if you enjoy the show, be sure to leave us a five-star rating and maybe even a nice comment on our iTunes page. And don’t forget to send in your woodworking questions to [email protected].
Shop Talk Live 18: George Nakashima 2.0
On yet another Special Edition of Shop Talk Live, FWW senior web producer Ed Pirnik and senior editor Jon Binzen head to the shop of acclaimed woodworker George Nakashima for an exclusive interview with daughter Mira and Shop Foreman Jerry Everett. Learn how Mira took the reigns of the operation following the death of her father in 1990, what she’s been up to, and where she’s going.
The Shop Stumper Returns
On last week’s show, we debuted a new Shop Stumper segment and offered up a copy of Garrett Hack’s The Handplane Book to one lucky winner. This week, the Shop Stumper is back, with a brand-new prize. We’re giving away a commemorative reprint of Fine Woodworking’s first issue to one lucky listener.
Just listen to the audio Shop Stumper in this week’s episode. If you can correctly identify the sound (email your answers to [email protected]) we’ll automatically enter you into the random drawing from among all the correct answers we receive.
Remember, send in your answers via email. No answers submitted in the comment section of this blog post will be considered. Hey, we can’t make this TOO easy!
Butterfly Basics
Shop Talk Live listener Robert D. Tronzo wrote in to ask about techniques for inlaying butterfly keys–a rather appropriate question considering this week’s show. As promised during our broadcast, here are a list of related articles available at FineWoodworking.com.
Low Tea Table Highlights Joinery
Due to a demolition and rebuild I'm saving all of our
oak flooring. Everyone of the boards and NAIA are
removed easily but my problem is the varnish has seeped
into the tongue and I'm not sure how to clean it off so
when I reinstall the floor it has a tight fit.
Asa made comment in recent podcast that fw is not big on profiles. That you are a how to magazine. In my opinion, you should have a profile in each edition. How many times can you recycle dovetail or sharpening techniques.? Profiles are all different and interesting. Jonathan's articles and slideshows are near top of my interest list.
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