Help Build the Fine Woodworking Dictionary
Send us a definition or add to an existing definition to help make this new dictionary the most comprehensive one on the planet.The new Fine Woodworking Dictionary is the latest resource for–and by–woodworkers everywhere. Our goal is to make it the most authoritative, comprehensive collection of woodworking terms anywhere.
You can help us grow the dictionary by sumbitting your own definition or help us by refining one of the definitions. Send us an e-mail by using our contact form.
The editors view the dictionary as a “woodworking wiki,” a resource that’s continually growing and evolving, being enlarged and refined through the contributions of the large and knowledgeable community of woodworkers. In other words, it’s our version of Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia that’s generated and maintained by users.
Not only does the Fine Woodworking Dictionary contain concise definitions, from Adhesive to Yellow Glue (nothing under Z yet), it also provides links to related articles and videos within FineWoodworking.Com. So, for example, when you look up “jigsaw,” you’ll also find the article “All About Jigsaws” as well as an editor’s tool review evaluating eight professional-grade jigsaws.
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