Will Grex pins work in my Cadex pinner?
I recently got a Cadex CPB23.50 pinner as a gift. To my dismay, it came with no pins. My local WoodCraft, my only local option, sells only Grex pins. Will the Grex pins work in my Cadex pinner?
I recently got a Cadex CPB23.50 pinner as a gift. To my dismay, it came with no pins. My local WoodCraft, my only local option, sells only Grex pins. Will the Grex pins work in my Cadex pinner?
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I have a Grex, so I can't answer from direct experience, but from my pin shopping my understanding is that the headless pins of either manufacturer will work interchangeably, but the "slight head" nails that Cadex makes will work only in Cadex and Nikle pinners.
As long as you have the same gauge pin and it is headless. I use grex pins in my bostich pinner and they work just fine.
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