does this seem like a great deal…
Was there a problem with this brand of saw or something. Anything that I should be weary about the model
I’m just sayin’
does this seem like a great deal…
Was there a problem with this brand of saw or something. Anything that I should be weary about the model
I’m just sayin’
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Not bad for the price. The only thing is that it has stamped steel wings rather than cast iron ones that the newer model has. Just make sure the wings are not bent. The same saw is being sold on Craigslist in Sacramento for $275
Used to own one of these -- it's the pre-orange American-made version. There were 2 versions available: this stripped-down one and another with more features. The more expensive model had the Herculift casters, cast-iron wings cf. the pressed steel on this, hooks for fence and miter-gauge, and - most important - trunnions that were easier to adjust. On this model you have to hit them with hammer and wood block. However it was a pretty good saw, its faults being the usual ones for a contractor-type: flying dust, and having to adjust the tightness of the fence from time to time.
Seems like a fair price to me, if all is in order.
Yeah I sent him and email and will go see it soon. If I get this saw, and sell my Ryobi TS, I can make a $100 profit. I'd say a great upgrade
I'm just sayin'
Good find, Andy (barring any problems). Cool!forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
This saw has every thing but the kitchen sink. Wait . . it has the kitchen sink. : )
I just had to do that.
Indeed it does have a sink -- but, wait , it is an extra cost upgrade. Darn!Woody
It's got everything including the kitchen sink! :D
That's the US made Emerson design that was used on the Craftsman contractor saws up until 1997, and is still the same basic design used on the newer Ryobi made Ridgid saws. The bolt-ons are the primary difference. It's a standard size and format that will accept many parts from other saws and most aftermarket gadgets. If it's in good working condition, $150 sounds good to me.
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