Who makes John Deere’s power tools?

Question for you tool guru’s. I was at the John Deere dealer yesterday and noticed they now carry their own brand of power tools. They had a cordless trim saw and drill (18 volt), and a corded drill on display. Due to the new parts counter girl being right in the steep part of a learning curve, I had a bit of time to check the saw out. Seems well made. Probably a little better then my Dewalt. I’m wondering who makes this stuff for John Deere?
Here is a link to see those tools.
From the pics it sure looks like Hitachi
Hitachi and John Deere have a long standing relationship with their Deere-Hitachi Construction Machinery venture (since the late 80's). They produce excavation tools, trucks, shovels etc. and and share U.S. Marketing functions.
They are based out of North Carolina which is where the Lawn & Garden branch of JD is based as well. Hitachi Power is based out of Atlanta (Norcross).
I wasn't able to find anything more definitive but jc is probably right, Hitachi.
JC and Brulew,
Thanks for the detective work guys. I'm wondering because I wouldn't think that JD would be the ideal place to sell tools, so if these go on clearance and JD drops the line, then I can still get batteries and parts.Steve
Forget the tools..lets get back to the "parts counter girl"...LOL...
I'd say about 5" 10", blond, 120# or so. Nice packaging, but she can't tell the difference between a 7200 and a 7300 planter, so...Steve
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