Which first: setup jointer or install Lux Cut cutter head?

Hello, Friends:
I just upgraded from a Rikon bench top jointer to a Ridgid 6 1/8″ floor model. The “new” jointer was purchased used, and to go with it I bought a new Lux Cut head. The jointer needs to be set up after being disassembled, lugged down the basement steps, and reassembled.
I was thinking that it might be easier to get everything co-planar and lined up using the original head with straight knives and THEN installing the Lux Cut. My reasoning is that it will be easier to line up the tables with a knife edge that runs the entire width of the table rather than the helical heads. The cutter head sits in the bearing block very tightly and I suspect it won’t change relative to the tables when I switch heads.
I’m new to the forum, so thanks in advance for any help.
No sense in adjusting things twice. I'd do the cutterhead first.
+1. You can also search for shop made alignment jigs to get the tables set up.
But will there be a difference? Tiny bits matter with these things. The outfield table is set relative to the drum and there will be most likely a manufactures specification for that depth. The knives are adjustable and set relative to the outfield table. The infeed table is set relative to the outfeed table which is set coplanar with the drum. The spiral heads cutters and the drum are basically the same thing relative to each other. The new head is a different animal and will come with instructions one would hope. I'd just do that, otherwise I'd put money on it that you end up doing it twice.
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