I have a 16″ Laguna Band Saw. Recently, the saw’s 125″ rip blade snapped. I was dismayed to find that a replacement blade would cost $216! Is it advisable to have to have my broken blade welded back together? Is that a safe option?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Tenderfoot Bob
Bandsaw bades are braised. You make a nice fitting scarf joint and make sure the band is straight in line. The braised area is filed or ground down so it will slide through the guides. There are kits. Some folks and a lot of metal working shops buy the blade stock in large coils and make their own. A machine shop may have a bandsaw blade welder and can do it for you. Making a nice scarf joint is the most difficult part of it. Usually, a bad weld will just cause the blade to break at that point and nothing much happens. There is always the possibility it can get thrown, so follow bandsaw safety procedures.
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