is there nything other than water that waterstones can be stored in during freezing weather
leonard lee of le valley cautions against “some” antifreezes
is there nything other than water that waterstones can be stored in during freezing weather
leonard lee of le valley cautions against “some” antifreezes
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Use your spare bedroom, set up a sharpening station. Stones won't freeze and neither will you...
Sorry this does not answer your question but I keep mine in the kitchen pantry. If under water then in tuperware tubs with lid. Lid prevents slime even for a month. Then I wash tuper with soap and water and refill. I don't rinse stone in tub I rinse in kitchen sink that is why I keep them in the kitchen. Other stones that don't need to be under water, Shapton, diamond and yellow norton 8000, I carefully arrange in a plastic tub with other sharpening stuff so they can't get damaged and put a breathable cover over.I use 1/8" thick neoprene mat to protect counter. Purchased off a role at a bearing and hydraulic equip supply that sells retail.Have been using this set up for years and no damage to kitchen. Takes some coordination with the shef. Go slow and be patient. You are barging into her "shop" space. Yah I ment to spell it that way.More fun to sharpen with warm hands. Or rather, not fun to sharpen with ice water !roc
Edited 12/13/2008 12:22 am by roc
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