I have laid knotty white pine I&g doIn on 6×10 beams in a high ceiling space. Problem is that before I got the roof down over this ceiling, it rained and a couple of the pine pieces have developed a black/dark gray stain in the areas where the boards became wet. I am now in the process of sanding the ceiling to a finish with 120 grit but the stains seem to be in the wood. Does anyone know any safe and tried tricks to remove these stains?
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Oxaclic Acid (spelling??) is a crystal bleach that takes water stains out of wood. It only comes in crystal form. There are three types of bleach and this is the one that takes out water stains. Don't just pick up something that says "wood bleach"
*Than for the reply, Scott. I was speaking with a friend down in New Mexico a bit earlier this evening and he made the same recommendation. He's been building his own adobe home down in Twos and laid down Aspen planks in a traditional herringbone pattern over his beams. He told me that he had the very same problem. He covered his ceiling with plastic during a downpour but it leaked...He added a bit more wisdom, though: oxalic (this is the way he spelled it off the bottle) acid has to be sanded down after it has been applied and dried. He sprayed a polyurethane finish over an unhanded test patch and the finish turned milky...
*Would this oxalic acid treatment also work for oak?I am having big black stains in oak boards that I like to remove, it is in the wood and a "wood bleach" did not cure the problem.I think it is weathering, but it may also be black mould.Any experience here?
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