Voice your opinion: What is the best way to remove pallet wood for use?
What is the best way to remove pallet wood for use? Leave a detailed post below!
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What is the best way to remove pallet wood for use? Leave a detailed post below!
Also Follow my blog: Pallet Craft!
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Pry Bar
I use a pry bar and claw hammer. I dont use the nailed parts anyway so even if you break a little bit its OK.. Not to mention you are getting free wood most of the time anyway..
Pallet wood removal
I just cut the planks between the nails to prevent further cracks and splits. The thicker stock gets cut on the bandsaw to lop off the nail embedded sections. I pile up the nail bearing chunks for fire starting . The nails jut sweep up with the ashes after they are completely cooled.
The best way to remove pallet wood is to put the pallets by the side of the road with a Free sign.
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