Victorian Marquetry Desk Replica Question

I recently picked up a very interesting homemade replica desk. As a woodworker the details peek thru so without a doubt I know this isn’t a true antique/original but comparing the skill level of the craftsman to the design of this desk I can’t help but feel this was in a magazine or he had found plans somewhere. I can’t find “the original” desk anywhere, I’ve searched high and low for the original inspiration for this desk, The true “antique” that would be worth thousands.
If anyone has any information or knows what this desk is modeled after let me know.
It’s incredibly detailed and truly an amazing example of how dedicated this craftsman was to finishing a massive undertaking project. Lots of inlay, veneer, and curves!!!
Also with the amount of “old dust” inside the drawers, aging finish, and veneer peeling, I don’t think it’s any younger than 20 years but probably not made earlier than the 1960s based on some of the plywood used.
Thanks!!! And happy wooodworking
It is in a French style I think.
You can find a lot of similar items by dragging the images to google lens - it's petrifyingly good.
This was one close match
I would also say it's a French design, although some of the English high styles were similar. French examples usually had a lot of ornate carvings in addition to that shape.
I would bet my house that your desk was never in any woodworking magazine. None of the books of measured drawings has that piece either. If it was in a book, there was probably just a photo, maybe two, with only HxWxD.
Whoever built that did a lot of work just to draw their own plans. And a ton more to build it.
It’s a Louis XV desk reproduction , « bureau de pente Louis XV « . You will find many similar ones there are many variations on that theme.
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