I read in a magazine several months ago regarding a company that had a wood material that was coated so it could be put in a color printer. Since I subscribe to every woodworking magazine out I don’t remember where I read it. would appreciate any help on the matter.
Boy, it'll have to be something special to pass through a printer. Most common printers can't handle anything thicker than about .008". Typical veneer is .020" or so. That seems like a small difference, but really is significant.
With a little more work, you can get the effect of printing on veneer by using transfer sheets. These are paper+plastic sheets that do feed through printers, and then you use an iron to transfer the print on to the veneer. They're mostly intended for printing your own custom tee-shirts, but work on wood too. Look for iron-on transfer paper in your office-supply store where they keep the copier paper. But look out for iron-on transfers; these are already-printed images.
Thanks for the info. Like I mentioned before I read the article last year some time and since I am into photography and woodworking I am interested. I KNOW I should have written he info down, like I should back up the hard drive. I was thinking of making a small table for the kids and was going to print some of their favorite animals and then inlay it into the table.
I recall seeing this product in a Woodcraft catalog about 6 months ago.
Here ya go. I just stumbled across it myself and sent them a quick e-mail. Here's the reply with some info for you:
Hello, Scott;
Thanks for your inquiry to Art-On-Wood about our "PicWood"(R) printable real wood micro-veneer.
As you probably read on our web site, we are sort of in limbo at the moment while the specialty lathing mill we have worked with to develop PicWood undergoes a change of ownership. They are presently off-line for production, so we have been obliged to pull our order form off-line until things are put back together at the mill.
I will include you on our list to be notified when things are back up and running and we can resume taking orders for PicWood.
Until the temporary mill shut down, PicWood was enjoying an astounding reception. Up to now, running a sheet of real wood through a common ink jet printer was simply unthinkable. PicWood does it. The applications and uses for this product are, literally, coming out of the woodwork. The demand has surprised even us.
Thanks again for your inquiry. I hope to be sending out that mass "we're back in business" notification within a matter of weeks. You're now on the list to be notified.
Steve Harrison, Marketing Director
J&H Marketing, LLC ~ creators of Art-On-Wood
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 217-348-7995 ~ eFax: 561-828-7655
P.O. Box 541, Charleston, IL 61920-0541
Good Luck
Edited 3/21/2002 7:43:19 AM ET by the rev
Thanks for the reply. I also dropped them a line to put me on the mailing list. I knew I wasn't going crazy about reading about this product.
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