Hi everyone,I was hoping someone can help me. I am planing to make a humidor from Spanish cedar. I would like to veneer the outside and am wondering about the moisture. Would hide glue be OK to use?
Thanks so much in advance
Hi everyone,I was hoping someone can help me. I am planing to make a humidor from Spanish cedar. I would like to veneer the outside and am wondering about the moisture. Would hide glue be OK to use?
Thanks so much in advance
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I don't see any problem with moisture or hide glue. I built the humidor, shown below, from a old FWW story.,
“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert,
in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.”
Milton Friedman
Thank you! Your humidor looks great!! I hope my veneering come out half as nice. By the way where are your cigars???
Thank you. I don't smoke - never have. It was for my son.Frosty“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert,
in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” Milton Friedman
Great post..
Every one seems to say the Veneer HAS to be on both sides! I sort of disagree to a point. I think for smaller things one side is OK. Not sure where the 'size' break is important that gives to warping and other troubles.
I have made many small things (12X12x12 inch or larger) without any problems.
Thanks Will. I assume you also were referring to the fact that I have never smoked.Frosty“If you put the federal government in charge of the Sahara Desert,
in 5 years there’d be a shortage of sand.” Milton Friedman
I assume you also were referring to the fact that I have never smoked.
Sir, I have smoked since grade school. NO, I do not recommend it... EVER.. To anybody to smoke.
I think.. all I said .. I have used veneer on smaller boxes on just one side without many problems?
Edited 10/23/2009 9:24 am by WillGeorge
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