The bearings in my 10 year old lathe’s tailstock live cone center are getting rough and I will need to replace it soon. I see that the Woodcraft Catalog offers a Pro Live Center set which includes interchangable cone centers and cup centers. Are the cup centers of any use, and if so, what turning projects are they generally used on? The only projects I have ever turned that I think they might have been beneficial on are the rare spindle split turnings I have done (to prevent splitting of the workpiece along the glue line). I can’t think of any other use I might even occasionally have for them, and am inclined to spend the money (around $60) on a heavy duty fixed cone center. Thanks for any advice. Gary
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Gary; The cup centers are designed to be used with a lamp auger for end drilling of long spindle turnings. Commonly used for drilling lamp parts... they could be adapted for other projects where a center hole is desired.
Why don't you just replace the bearings in the one you have?
The Cup centers are great when turning green log blanks. With out the pin you can easily shift the stock to get it more in balance. The dog gone pins want to run back in the same hole so adjustment is more difficult.
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
OK, those are 2 things I did not consider (boring for lamps, and turning green out of balance spindles). So I'm glad I asked, thanks.
Also, Lapun, the live center is solid (no way to press the bearing out from behind). Is there any other way to get it out? It looks to be about 1" diameter. This is the original live center that came with my lathe so it is probably not a high end item. Thanks, Gary
So, the bearing is an interference fit in the socket. You will need to interfere in reverse to extract it prior to replacement.Applying heat to the exterior of the socket should expand the metal sufficiently to reduce the circumferential pressure, and allow for extraction. We are not talking serious, or damaging heat here - just so it is too hot to touch.With the solid center in a vice,simple leverage with one or two screwdrivers between vice and socket rim should see it moving in the desired direction.The hammer is not always the best solution.Lapun.
Thanks, will give it a try. Gary
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