does anyone have any advice on the best buys on quality turning chisels?????
thanks a million!!!!
does anyone have any advice on the best buys on quality turning chisels?????
thanks a million!!!!
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Hi Brian -
I have mostly all, well really all Sorby turning tools. I can't say they're the best, just the best I can afford. They seem to hold an edge well, easily sharpened, well balanced. There are a lot more expensive tools on the market that may well be good value, but I find Sorby work pretty well.
I've got part of a tradesman's set, bought in a job lot a few months ago.
Tried to sell them on the Bay and failed to make the reserve.
The're a good solid set, if I were to email you a photo, would you be interested in making (or at least discussing) an offer?
Might be cheaper and better than your local supplier?
I would buy different styles of tools and get an idea of what you like, and is comfortable for you. For instance I dont like Sorbys oval shaped skew. That does not mean that there is any thing wrong with it, its just not comfortable to me. I like my sorby roughing gouge. For spindle turning I prefer a gouge that is formed from flat stock instead of bar stock. Feel is very important in turning, kinda of like racing a car you can feel whats going to happen long before you will see it happening.
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