I read with interest Jeff Jewitt’s article on touch up guns.
Does anyone have any positive or negative experience with any particular brands or suppliers? I have the ability to use either HVLP or conventional (LVHP) systems.
I read with interest Jeff Jewitt’s article on touch up guns.
Does anyone have any positive or negative experience with any particular brands or suppliers? I have the ability to use either HVLP or conventional (LVHP) systems.
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Jeff Jewitt offers a selection of very good spray guns and touchup spray guns at different price points, and his service and support will knock your socks off. http://www.homesteadfinishing.com
*Keith;Thanks for the reminder...I'll have to read that piece. As for touch-up guns, and for that matter any others...I prefer to buy the house brands at W.W. Grainger Industrial Supply, as I know that reasonable priced service parts will always be available. I recently had a diffuser ring break in a 23 year old gun, and I ordered the part on-line, as well as a full rebuild/ service kit (for insurance!), which were mailed within hours from a store 60 miles away, and I had them next day, for $14.00 total. I was given a Binks touch-up gun ten years ago, but I can't justify the $100 kit to put it back into service. Instead I use a Badger brand (from Grainger), which continues to give excellent service 16 years after I bought it! Now, I'll go read that article!John in middle Tennessee
*I've been in touch with Jeff. I was aware that he sold supplies but not aware that he also carries equipment. He has started carrying a new gun that he likes better than the one shown in the article. I've got one on order.http://www.homesteadfinishing.com/(no association, etc. This is not a shill.)
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