FYI – just noticed that Lee Valley has again started carrying Taunton titles! <!—-><!—-><!—->
Excellent news – I hope they have buried their hatchet. It was too bad that two iconic woodworking institutions were at odds with each other. <!—-><!—->
Now I can shop Taunton titles once again on my regular visits to Lee Valley!
I'd bet Taunton would be happy to sell you its own titles from its own website.
Actually here in Canada it is cheaper from me to buy from Lee Valley. I can pick it up from the store without incurring any extra cost on exchange, post etc. Plus Lee Valley has great customer service and as far as possible I like to support them. Getting Taunton titles at Lee Valley is icing on the cake. My consumption or I should say "buying" of Taunton titles dropped after Lee Valley stopped carrying them.
Understood; makes sense to me.
Strange, I had not noticed them off the shelf in Vancouver. Still good news if that was the case. Now I wonder if LeeValley will return to advertising in the magazine.
Better life through Zoodles and poutine...
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