If you are in your sixties or older, and I would guess that includes everyone around here, you’ll get a big kick out of the Statler Brothers with a Burma Shave video that brings back great memories that predate Fine Woodworking (eg from the 1950s).
Remember to turn on the speakers on in your computer.
You may need to watch it twice; once to watch the Burma shave signs change and once to catch all the pictures plus listening to the music of the Statler Brothers.
IF clicking on the above http doesn’t open it, just copy and paste it in your web browser’s http line (web address line).
To me, this video is more fun than cutting a secret dovetail in Purpleheart with the finest chisels and saw. (actually a lot more fun)) (((I felt the need to try to show relevance to woodworking))) 🙂
This video is pretty exciting, so if you have heart problems, sit down first, and take something to help you relax.
Measure your output in smiles per board foot.
Thanks Mel, I got a kick out the video.
That was great................
TEST: who can remember the names of the four people from the "Hit Parade"?
I've got two, and I think the first name of a third.
"It is what we learn after we think we know it all, that counts."
John Wooden 1910-
was one of them, Snooky Lanson?
MelPS glad you liked the video.Measure your output in smiles per board foot.
Yep --- Snooky Lanson (sp?) is the guy on far right.Gisele MacKenzie (woman on left), and I think the other woman's name was Dorothy Collins?I have no idea who the second guy is. Who could forget any guy with ####name like "Snooky" -- which is probably why he chose it.........********************************************************
"It is what we learn after we think we know it all, that counts."
John Wooden 1910-
That was so cool! Thank you. I wonder if Ol' Roadhog and the fellers down at Burford's Barber Shop know about this?
I haven't found anyone who didn't like this video.
Pass the word to others, including at the barber shop.
MelMeasure your output in smiles per board foot.
Jerry,I haven't found anyone who didn't like this video
Please be patient. You haven't allowed enough time....<gr>
I remember.......
I LOVED tru-aide
Thanks again,
Funny, I actually have an original Burma Shave sign hanging in the shop. My father in law, being a true New England farmer, used it to patch a stall in the barn. I rescued it. It's in pretty good shape except for the fact that the patch was just at tail height.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Count'in flowers on the wall, that don't bother me at all.
. . .
Smokin' cigarets and watchin' Captin Kaaaannngaroo
Now don't tell meeeee I got nothin' to doooo.
Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe. Abraham Lincoln ( 54° shaves )
THANKS! I loved it!
And see this.. Not a video but I cracked up!
And I remember a little town post.. Texas I think...
Some town
Population of 100 friendly folks.
And 3 or 4 old grouches.
Edited 8/22/2009 3:28 am by WillGeorge
Will, You wouldn't by any chance be referring to Post, Texas would you? I went to Junior Hi and part of Senior Hi there. Garden spot of West Texas that town. Population at the time was probably about 3000 then, probably half of that now. Just went to 45th high school reunion there in July- what a trip. Town was founded by and named for C.W. Post- of Post cereal fame. Our 7th grade football team was called the Post Toasties- didn't win very many games but we sure learned how to fight. Steve
Thank gawd he didn't make Cocoa Puffs, :-)
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
What! No "Cuckoo for Cocco Puffs"?
No "Trix" plays?
What about when one team "Kix" off?
You should see the spruce burl I cut up a couple of weeks ago. It's shaped like a guitar, well sort of. Maybe a double banjo?
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Photo? What are you going to make with it?
I posted pics here.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
well, I am much less than 60 and I still thought that movie was great!
Glad you enjoyed the Statler Bros piece. I see you live in the Bay area and are in science and technology. I worked for NASA for over thirty years and spent a lot of time at NASA Ames at Moffett Field. I have a son and a daughter in law who work at Google. The Bay Area is a great place to live and work.
Have fun.
MelMeasure your output in smiles per board foot.
At least the old adds were entertaining. Of course in those days we didn't have Blackberries and iPods that one could text booger. Good gawd.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Have you ever driven Rt 95 down to Florida. "South of the Border" is at the NC border, and the signs for it go for a long way in either direction. Our kids used to read the signs going both ways. Very corny. Very good.
MelMeasure your output in smiles per board foot.
Yeah but this kinda threw me off a bit.
View Image
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
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