I’m a spray gun rookie just practicing with waterborne lacquers. Does the gun (HVLP compressor driven) have to be cleaned between coats? I have been recoating every 2 hours.
I’m a spray gun rookie just practicing with waterborne lacquers. Does the gun (HVLP compressor driven) have to be cleaned between coats? I have been recoating every 2 hours.
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It shouldn't need cleaning in 2 hours. One tip is to put a plastic trailer hitch ball cover with a wet paper towel in over the air cap. It keeps the tip from drying up and clogging.
John O'Connell - JKO Handcrafted Woodworking
Life is tough. It's tougher if you're stupid - John Wayne
Thanks. That'll save a lot of work.
I've sprayed waterborne polys for a number of years and found that the tip of the gun will almost completely colse off in between coats. So as soon as I'm done spraying a coat I wipe the tip off with a moist cloth and use a toothpick to remove material from any crevices.
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