Does anyone have any leads for sources of air dried white oak in the general area of northern Illinois or southern Wisconsin?
What about air-dried lumber in general for steam bending?
Does anyone have any leads for sources of air dried white oak in the general area of northern Illinois or southern Wisconsin?
What about air-dried lumber in general for steam bending?
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Michael Fortune adamantly advocates the use of air-dried material when performing steam bending. Although Lon Schleining says Kiln dried would may also be used. Personally I've only used air dried material and have purchased my material directly from a local mill when it was still wet. after drying for a year (4/4)I've had good results.
I was able to get some very nice air dried white oak from a fellow who used to operate a Wood-Mizer and still has quite a collection of wood.Everything I've read and heard says that kiln-dried cannot be used for steam bending since the kiln drying permanently sets the lignin and that no amount of steaming will plasticize it again. But since Lon says you can use it I plan to test that alternative when I get around to steaming the air-dried stock. I'm doing a very gentle bend so it may not be a good test though.
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