Someone posted about Canada that had no history.. I say far from that..
Someone posted about Canada that had no history.. I say far from that..
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No we have no history. cause in school we had to memorize all the states and capitals. totally forgetting about the rich history of the Plains.
I read 2 books."the last Buffalo Hunter"and the "Wood mountian uplands" more history in two books that all the ### we took in school about the magna carta and civil war.
My grand father delivered hay and oats to the North west mounted Police now RCMP when custer drove Sitting Bull north of the 49th.
On of my relatives helped Grey Owl in Prince Albert National Park in the 20's and built boats for a living and did comercial fishing.
But don't worry we are use to idiots not knowing anything about us. Even though we have a larger land mass that the great USA. Oh don't forget about the Canada arm that hangs off your space shuttle. Made about 2.5 hours north of were I live. Insulin Canadian, Phone Canadian, Basketball Canadian, Hockey need I say more.
Point Pelee is father south that parts of northern Califoinia How many of you knew that?
and don't forget Dieppe, Battle of Normandy and liberation of France and Holland during WW11. And fighting your silly ars war in Afganistan. Nope no history cause some "merciam ars says so. and I don't want dumb people like that visiting.
You make a fine rant. However, you are thrusting and jabbing at a paper tiger. No one denied that Canada has history. Now go and say sorry to Stanley, perhaps after sipping at a small glass of grog or otherwise opening your steam valve.
We cannot have you exploding as you haven't finished that bench yet and I need to see the pikshers. :-)
Your Right
Steve sorry. I took your comment in the wrong lite.Sir lataxe As you see I got a tender spot for us canucks. Have heard high paid blue suit types tell us we have no culture What The ### . Then billy Joe dingbat said Canadians are meat and potatoes with no gravey, or similar tripe. It's on YTube it is ####CBC interview went way wrong. When I heard it live I couldn't believe this guy was real, and insulting.Not to mention the people south of us, especially them poloicos blame most of there problems on us. Trade protectionism, source of teorrists, power black outs, the list grows large.And the old EU shaming or Governer General for eating seal meat. They want us to keep all the seals alive 'cause there cute, but still come overfish our cod stocks.Yes I need grog and obviously some time with a fishin pole in hand. As for the bench I am working on the legs, broke bandsaw blade so took a trip into the big city and bought a new one. I want to take the pics as bad as you want to see them!!
Hey man, isn't a good sized chunk of Canada actually south of Detroit, MI USA?
When you mentioned, Not to mention the people south of us, I kinda got confused. :-)
Shoe I think yur takin that standing guard thang a wee bit too far mebbe? It's ok, we still love ye.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
It's not that big a chunk. But Point Pelée is further south than that; it's about 25 miles south of the US/Canada border between Detroit and Windsor.
There's a stripe painted across Point Pelée along the 42nd parallel, which is also the latitude of the California/Oregon border.
hey im in southwestern ontario, just northeast of detroit/windsor and there's a HUGE chunk of the US northwest of me, not to mention newyork,maine, vermont etc etc
Thanks for piping in.
For the record I am a Canadian from Romainian decent. With me MomAr from Irish blood.Yea I know Love you or hate you kind if mixed up!!!!!
My Fathers Mom gave Prince Ferdanad a bouquet of flowers as a six year old, on his way to Sarayrioa sic. Cousin was a palace guard to the Romainian familyTheir house was bombed and they fled to a troop ship headed to Canada. Monteral was the port. WW1 I hear that those records are on line.
Mom's family was from Ontario and 6 generation potatoe famin Irish. So I am 7 and kids 8.
My dad's grand father was conscriped into the Romainian army and and dischargered after freeezing his fore feet off, Then got a ticket to Canada and it took 3 years before he found his wife and family. just before the great despression of 1930.When I talk to mr First nation friends they understand, I am not from the concoring nation I am a product of being a refugee. Darn glad my folks came here!!history takes all forms
Had grog and did fish yesterday no bites but did get the band saw workin
We are Canadian ,and my Grand father William Johnston invented the air shock absorber ,which He sold the design for to Mr Monroe in the 1930's. Canada has a long rich history and thankfully We teach world history from a young age. My ex wife who is American was amazed when she came here and took world history as a class in grade 13,she said all she had in the US was american history and that it had way to many blanks.I have many other american friends that have said the same.
I don't know where your American friends grew up, but in California, from 7th through 12th grade, we got at least two years each of World and U.S. History, plus World Geography, and one year of elective history or other social science (I chose History of Europe and the Soviet Union).
I don't know where you people got these ideas, but I know at least five Canadians that I would happily trade for a score each of random Americans.It occurs to me that instead of sending first time misdemeanor offenders to jail, we should just send them to Canada to learn how to be human beings.
Edited 6/24/2009 4:05 pm by Jammersix
Funny you should say that, as America has seen fit to label Me and many others as (undesirables) which means I can never return to the U.S. even though My daughter is a dual citizen. simply because I was arrested for smoking a (as in one) pot joint 23 years ago. that is a pretty messed up system you's have there. Dan
I know of a few Americans that have been turned back at the border for having a DUI.
Canuck by birth, American by choice. I'm just glad I was educated in Canada, before choosing my Citizenship. The choice was driven by economic conditions at the time.
My father was from California, Mom from British Columbia so us kids had dual citizenship. Of us three kids I was the only one to head south, to declare myself American. I can still live and work in Canada, about All I lost was the right to vote or hold public office. Oh well
yeah we took that DUI one from the US years ago, when Canada made first time DUI a criminal offence is when the States started labeling those people as undesirables,they actually stamp that on a document that says if you try to enter the states ever again you go straight to an American jail.did that happen to your friends?
I'm not sure what Canada did, except deny entry into Canada. One of the guys was one of my apprentices, he was going to Victoria BC for his Honeymoon. They took the Victoria Clipper (a high speed passenger ferry) from Seattle to Victoria BC. Canada Customs turned him around and sent them back to Seattle with the Clipper. The honeymoon was a gift from the brides parents. The sad thing is it was something he did when he was 21, a stupid kid thing, one roach and a DUI. A real clean cut kid, hard working, he really straightened himself up after the DUI. The best apprentice I have had so far. Stupid Laws
My grandfather was a sod buster. 1 mile north of the North dakota border.
The closest place to deliver grain was just over the border and that's were he took his grain till a rail head came to Wood Moutian. Now if you try to deliver grain to the US you go to jail. We used to do beer runs to Scobey Montana. Crossing the border was just an exercise.Now driven by paranoid polotcians on both sides of the border they have made it a PITA. Now there are ground sensers and unmaned planes protecting the vast expanse of prarie border. For what. nothing but paranoid knee jerk reactions for interfereing around the world for the glory of old glory.
Soft wood lumber taxation, constant world trade disputes between the cereal grain marketers, beef and hog bans, Free trade my arse!!! But they sure want our oil and water.Most if not all there "Laws" were driven my greed, protectionism, and general fear of competition. No one gave a hoot about hemp till the early plastic makers lobbied and outlawed hemp fiber so the plastic folks could have a monoploy on rope. This became the start of the infamous war on drugs. and the Zero tolerance polocies for political gains.
don't forget the US consitution is printed on hemp paper.
When my grand mother fled Romania during WW1 they took hemp seeds and poppy seeds as staples of an agro life. Fiber and medicine. we did not have many doctors in the new west and no hardware stores. No one cared back then.
All these prohabitions over the years have done nothing but give organized crime the power it now holds, and they don't care about the border issues.My desire to travel to the great states is no longer. Almost got shot trying to get directions to Indanapolis airport.
I may gruble and whine about our stupid law makers in Ottawa, but I'm sure glad I can.
Maybe the new president can effect some change to un paranoid the law makers.Proud to be a Canadian EH
That is an impassioned speech and I salutes both it and the sentiments it expresses. May the purveyors of nightmares and boogey-things be taken away by the very gharks and hoos they would have us fear, to be rendered down to dripping and jerky for the dog to chew on when it's bored. Thus they become useful for the first time in
It is a sad thing to see the American Dream become this paranoid nightmare. The Century of the Self - except "the self" involved seems to have become a spoilt teenager addicted to money, horror and war.
Best we keep to the shed and do our woodwork.
Lataxe, still a bit of a hippy (another kind of spoilt teenager).
Almost got shot trying to get directions to Indanapolis airport.
Twant cuz o' that dang fish was it?
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Bob, no the fish had not been born yet. But you gave me a good laugh this AM.
The additude with legs graduates grade 12 today. EE HAA
The first Universal Law of Politics is to do only that which will result in more votes. The second Universal Law of Politics is the reciprocal of the doctor's "do no harm" rule - that is, do no good. The country of residence of the politician makes no difference.
Thank you, another good smile!
As my old boss used to say
The first mistake is when a politician makes a promise.
The second is when he tries to keep it.
Your right, borders don't block traditions.
My ex wife is from Berkeley, but lived all across the States ,and the contents of those class's are much different in Canada.They other friends I mentioned spread from Cally to all across New York State.I live in B.C ,but grew up in south western Ontario,spent a fair amount of time in the states.Dan
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