i have a client who wants a sitar stand to hold between 3 and 6 instruments, something elegant and functional
any ideas out there, i did google sitar stand, but all i got was ordinary guitar like stands
i have a client who wants a sitar stand to hold between 3 and 6 instruments, something elegant and functional
any ideas out there, i did google sitar stand, but all i got was ordinary guitar like stands
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hey man, did you get a gig working for ravi shankar?
Edited 3/20/2009 1:20 pm ET by Eef
Just a suggestion: If possible, get some pictures of the sitars. Arrange them so that the sitars are positioned the same way as they would be on a stand. Pay attention to the desirable spacing of the sitars, and also to the furniture near the stand's location. Start sketching a stand, sort of as a background for the sitars. The visual input from the pictures might lead you to something usable. You might also be able to complement some of the visual attributes of the actual sitars.
Best wishes,
try the musical instrument makers forum http://www.mimf.com - great resource
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