Hi, I’m looking for a simple plan for a chess table. I’m a student in woodworking and I’m trying to finish my table top. Need help and suggestions.
Hi, I’m looking for a simple plan for a chess table. I’m a student in woodworking and I’m trying to finish my table top. Need help and suggestions.
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I have done several chess boards/tables--I usually do the squares in 2" and run a 2 1/2" border around the field. Sometimes, if the jionts are slightly off, I may add an inlay around the inside of the border to hide any errors.
Are you using shop-sawn veneer, or commercial? If you cut your own, then be sure to do it thin--1/16 is a good thickness to shoot for. I have had problems with warping and squares that popped with thicker pieces.
I would be happy to answer any ?'s you may have
I once saw a clever way to do a chess board.
Choose light and dark wood (maple and black walnut) Cut 4 strips each the width of a square on the board. Glue them together alternating light,dark,light,dark. After all is dry, cut the plank into strips perpendicular to your glue lines. These strips are also the width of a square. Rotate every other board 180 degrees and glue up (with biscuits if you like). Tada! a chess board. Build a frame, mount it to a table, put a drawer underneath....
Measure it with a micrometer, mark it with chalk, cut it with an ax.
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