I just spent half an hour getting greasy in the search engine room of this forum trying to run down some photos of a dust collection/splitter system you put on your tablesaw. The closest I could get to what I thought was your latest post on this subject was #34945.1, from 3-9-07.
This looks like a very clever little arrangement, and something I’d like to duplicate on my saw. I think I understand most of it from the photos you provided. But where did you find the clear plastic cover? That doesn’t look homemade…
Thanks if you’re able to answer this,
* Some people say I have a problem because I drink hydraulic brake fluid. But I can stop any time I want.
Penn State has one.
Thanks for writing. I was aware of the Penn State dust hood. But the one Sarge has on his saw interested me because it looks as though it's a little slimmer than the Penn State unit.
Thanks again, Zolton* Some people say I have a problem because I drink hydraulic brake fluid. But I can stop any time I want.
Have a look at thisn. He modified the Penn State guard as described in the ablove.
By the way, brake fluid works great for removing the grease from the search engine! put sarge dust collection in the search engine to find it. First hit returned.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 3/4/2008 9:51 am ET by KiddervilleAcres
Looks like the guys have you covered, Zolton. It is the Penn State shield sold separately from their over-head gaurd system. It is not narrower.. but as the article Bob pointed out will state, has been modified in lenght and contour to make it a better candidate for the stock meeting it to cause it to lift easily.
Any questions you have that are not covered by the link... feel free to ask as I check message several times a day on coffee break.
So... back to the shop for me
Thanks to all who responded, especially to Bob, who was able to unerringly locate the exact post I remembered first seeing.
And also to Sarge, for his inspiration, cleverness and photos illustrating same...
So, it's out to the shop for me to try some fiddling around with spare parts to see if I can get this thing to work. I'm sick of breathing in fine dust every time I turn that tablesaw on!
Oh. Hey, check out my new "Signature." That hydraulic brake fluid was making me break out..
ZoltonIf you see a possum running around in here, kill it. It's not a pet. - Jackie Moon
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