Recycle for a band clamp

Since I don’t own any band clamps, I needed a way to clamp table assemblies in one shot. I had a couple inner tubes for a bicycle. Hmmm, wrap around, fill with air, piece is clamped up. Need to un-clamp? Let the air out. A rubber inner tube won’t slip and slide around. Imagine the clamping force of a “mountain bike” inner tube at full inflation. Need some chairs or stools clamped up? Try “tubing” it.
Band Clamps
Whitedog, that is a very good idea and I have some spare M/Cycle tubes which might do the trick. In times past I have
found that ladies of a certain age usually store certain articles which may be stretched into service (and perhaps returned )
but elastic does not seem to have the same appeal these days.
Thanks for the idea, Mufti
interesting idea
With slotted cauls over the glue lines, a lace-up, super-wide band clamp might give one's work a lift, so to speak. ;-)
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