My tree guy has a 12″ 9 ft piece of black cherry. It is very straight. What is a reasonable price to offer him for it?
I am getting a new lathe soon for by B-day and I thought the green wood would be good for turning bowls.
My tree guy has a 12″ 9 ft piece of black cherry. It is very straight. What is a reasonable price to offer him for it?
I am getting a new lathe soon for by B-day and I thought the green wood would be good for turning bowls.
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You have about 36 BF (Doyle) I wouldn't pay more than a buck a foot, 1.5 if you want to be generous.
Anna,Joinerswork made me revise my previous opinion, 12" doesn't cut it to No. 1 saw log, so even if it was 3 faces clear, as a log it wouldn't be worth mote than a buck a foot.
$30 would be a fair price for both of you.C.
Thanks to everyone. This is a great forum. I appreciate all of the expertise.
save the off-cut pieces - you can use for smoking.
Now that's something I've never tried. <G> Do you roll your own or use a pipe?
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 8/14/2007 9:25 am ET by KiddervilleAcres
roll it in some cuban mahogany veneer and light up.
seriously, I see bags of "wild cherry chips" for BBQ in my local grocery store for about $5 for 3 pounds, which I am guessing is more than the lumber gets. I give my cherry & maple cutoffs to Bro-in-law for his smoker.
Price depends on your location, the grade and availability. Is the stock green? Have you price-checked your local suppliers? Do you plan on paying retail or wholesale prices? Is this a friend; do you qualify for a "good-guy" discount?
Did you read the original post at all ?
It's a log ! From a tree guy ! Does he know how to grade a log ? He is probably going to cut it up into firewood if she doesn't buy it.
She wants to turn it green !C.
If the log is only 12" diameter, it will likely have 6" (more or less) heartwood. Not real desireable as lumber, even if it is perfectly clear (not likely). Value as turning stock may be slightly more, but my friends who are turners are regularly given short logs...
Don't spend a lot.
Further to what Citrouille and Ray said: at that size it is hardly a log, it may be a branch (not good for several reasons). Be assured that it is not a twig , though (;)(;)
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