I’m thinking about getting a portable planer/jointer. I don’t have the space for a jointer and so most of my rough jointing is with hand planes and then finish up with the planer. The catch is I need to buy it from Woodcraft(gift cards). Rob Millard speaks highly of the Makita but i don’t think Woodcraft carries the Makita. They do carry the Triton and Rockwell. Does anyone have any experience with either of these machines? Thanks
The store just receive some info from Jet(WMH tool Group) They are coming out with a new "bench top" line for the "hobby" type shop. Drill press, Portable table saw, mini dust collector and I believe it was a 6" & 8" bench top jointer/planer combo. You may want to wait and check them out.
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
BruceS,Yes, I think this is the one...out Jan. 15 or there abouts... might be in the running. I'm not sure I wanna be the test baby for Jet. However, my wood length is usually fairly short and it might be just the ticket. I was looking at Rob Millard's video on his web sight and how he works the Makita(sp?). I was thinking that it might be handy for re-flattening the workbench
I'm waiting on the Jet 10" combo for my home shop. Looks like it could be the ticket for a small space. I work in an area under 10'x20' at home so it's important that things be portable. I think also those units will sell for $400 and change. With the scale of the work in mind also. I don't think I would rely on these small units for large or heavy runs.
UncleP,Like you, I'm space challenged also. I do get pretty good service from my old 12.5" Delta planer using it as a jointer. The Jet could replace that maybe.On the other hand, large panels either get all plane work or belt sander and then planes. The belt sander is quite old too. The Makita, Triton, Rockwell portable planers are in the $140 category.
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