Has anyone picked up one of these yet?
I saw it at a show, and was intrigued. They’re now available, and I was wondering if the fit and finish matches the prototype they had at the show.
Has anyone picked up one of these yet?
I saw it at a show, and was intrigued. They’re now available, and I was wondering if the fit and finish matches the prototype they had at the show.
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Inlay razor
I saw it demo'd at the Saratoga NY wood (Northeast Woodworkers) Show this past spring . Yes, it has some great possibilities as you wind up making your own veneirs to suit your needs, in both color and width. The only drawback, as is mentioned in the video, is that you're using ALL end grain, so it will act (finish) differently than face grain. I don't do enough veneiring at the present time to make the purchase worthwhile, but it DOES all he says it can do, and probably more.
SawdustSteve Long Island, NY (E of NYC)
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