Hello to everyone from Down Under! Am an avid reader of knots now for a year or so,and have had many a chuckle,learnt lots and been stimulated by your ideas and the obvious experience of you all. I’ve just left a question on Freetime on the Finehomebuilding site,was sculling about & wound up here! Are they both connected? [I’m aware of the Taunton connection,obviously].
In any case,having laid down my chisels and planes to do battle with circular saws,air compressors,nailing guns,paint brushes etc.,etc., I guess I should keep up with both sites now!
In any case,I’m looking forward to contributing, I’ve certainly accepted !!
Cheers everyone Robin
G'day mite!
Welcome aboard.
"I sometimes think we consider the good fortune of the early bird and overlook the bad fortune of the early worm." FDR - 1922
Hey Frosty ! Thanks for the greeting. I'll keep a look-out for your handle.It might be a while before I can make a worthwile contribution.
welcome. A lot of people hang out at both Breaktime and Knots. I think you'll find that Breaktime attracts more of the professional builders and carpenters, working on (mostly US) home and business construction. It is less civil than Knots which has a mix of professional and amateur furniture-makers and woodworkers.
Thanks Stan, I get the picture.I guess I'm a Knots bloke really,but because of a recent purchase [house],the more gentle & refined [!] work will have to wait.It's all wrecking bars,power saws and framing guns just at this moment! The last couple of projects were small tables.I'll keep my eye on Knots.
Thanks again,
the more gentle & refined [!] work will have to wait??
I'd say a nice fitting door is Finewoodworking! Not that easy to do!
Welcome Robin,
Be careful not to spend your whole day between online between the various forums - it's all too easy. Gosh, look at the time - back to the shop for me.
Chris @ www.flairwoodwork.spaces.live.com
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
Thanks too,Chris.
Know what you mean. My first effort yesterday allowed me to miss closing time !!
Robin.. Welcome from a yank in the USA.. (Chicago area) I know folks hates us these days, But woodworkers stick together.. I hope!
Only been in Australia once.. I loved it.. And then some..
I even won at a game of Cricket (never played before). I saw some angry folks gather .. and I yelled out... free beer at the PUB if you show me the nearest one!
We all had a good time and they even chipped in for the beer tab!
Edited 9/8/2008 9:34 pm by WillGeorge
Many thanks for your kind words of welcome.
First let me apologise for the delay in reply..My PC had a sudden and somewhat catastrophic illness which necessitated the electronic equivalent of a cardiac transplant !!
I wouldn't be to sure about everyone hating you guys,the general feel around these parts [Southern Highlands of NSW] is that you are in the same boat as us.We've both been buggered about by experts ! I think that this is fairly generally held opinion.
Yes, I am NOT supremely confident about 'doing doors',and there are a number of them.. I expect that I am about to start on a fairly sharp learning curve.
Your cricketing exploits sound amusing,but let me say that you solved the problem in a very fitting manner,by the sound of it !
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