Good morning everyone,
I am looking to buy a new spray gun. I have narrowed it down to two model, the Apollo a7500c and the sabre slim line from C.A.T.. I have ample air 11.4 cfm @40psi. I am wondering if anyone here has experience with either. I will be spraying conversion varnish, lacquer and some waterborne products. Anyone have experience with either one of those guns ?
You might want to look at the Iwata. The CAT is an excellent gun and top of the line compared to the Apollo. I have Sata guns and spray what you do, but a buddy of mine owns a body shop and is the one who bought all my Satas (wholesale) for me. He now uses Iwata guns and loves them. He said they are the best guns he has, either the LVLP or the RP whichever works for you. I would check these guys out and give them a call and see what they recommend Don't let anyone talk you into an Asturo, I know Jeff Jewitt thinks it is the greatest thing since sliced bread,but it is junk compared the Sata RP 3000 I am using. I wish my buddy would have started using Iwata before I bought that Asturo. By the way I have an Asturo Eco 1.7 .6L & 1L aluminum cups if anybody is interested.
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