My neighbor ordered the new Jet “supersaw” a few weeks ago from Tool Crib. We were both excited to get it as it looked like the perfect saw for him. It was on back order and took about 3 weeks to get to him. No big deal. When it arrived it was pretty smashed up. Tool Crib and Jet were great. They picked it up within a few days and had another one on the way. A few days later the new one arrived. One of the extension wings came smashed up, and the bolt holes for the fence were mis-aligned making it impossible to attach the fence. Jet said they would send replacements. Over 10 days gone by and no replacemenst have showed up. We attached a temporary fence so he could use it. Friday when he went to use the saw he could not raise or lower the blade. We took the cover off to find the mechanism that raises and lowers the blade is driven by a flimsy looking belt. It is a pretty crude looking system, well, the belt had completely shredded.
He contacted Jet and they are now referring him back to Tool Crib. They are basically refusing to work with him as though he is annoying them with all of his problems.
He has contacted Tool Crib and is sending the saw back. He is done with Jet. It is a shame, we both have Jet tools and to date we have been pretty happy. It appears as though Jet has some pretty bad quality control, the supersaw has some real design flaws and on top of it all they are not servicing their customers very well, which I must say is a departure from what I have experienced in the past.
And by the way the fence on the Supersaw just plain sucks. Sorry, I don’t know how else to explain it.
i bought the same saw in october it was on display at my local rockler. it is my first saw the only trouble i have had is the miter slot on the left side is too far away from the blade to use a normal tenon jig the only other jig that works is one i made to slide over the fence and one that i saw made by shopfox (200$) rockler has offered to take it back but i dont have the wiring to upgrade to a cabinet saw. the other problem is that the dust cabinet doesnt really work to well(or does it?) it is designed to seperate the larger particles while the smaller go through the holes and to the collector but i always just suck it all out through the door afterwards anyway. other than that it cuts wood just fine. the fence seems to work fine what didnt you like about it other than not being able to put it on(joke). i am considering returning for a 54A powermatic but dont want to go though all the hassle if it isnt worth it.
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