I just wanted to thank all the vets and family in here (and wherever they are) for their service.
May your day be filled with Joy and maybe just a little bit of sadness remembering.
I will leave it at.. Thanks You!
I just wanted to thank all the vets and family in here (and wherever they are) for their service.
May your day be filled with Joy and maybe just a little bit of sadness remembering.
I will leave it at.. Thanks You!
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To Absent Friends.
Semper Fi
Truly a day of mixed emotions.
Work Safe, Count to 10 when your done for the day !!
Bruce S.
And there is..
And then again something my mother liked..
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jpg5OfHg3wY&feature=relatedAnd.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsTy-dFjiak&feature=related
Edited 5/23/2009 11:16 pm by WillGeorge
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