Anyone know where I can find a “plan” for making the traditional maple syrup spile?(spout) Can’t find any info anywhere.
Thanks, tom
Anyone know where I can find a “plan” for making the traditional maple syrup spile?(spout) Can’t find any info anywhere.
Thanks, tom
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So, are you really a vegetable farmer?
Yep, I am a f..ggin fahmah. Growing food jockeys for first place with woodworkin in what I'm most interested in. They are both ways I can have a little influence on the world: food I grow stays part of people's bodies for up to 7 years, stuff I make gets used for even longer than that.
I do a unique kind of farming, and will gladly go into more detail if interested.
And thanks for the tip on maple syrup spouts. I sent it off to the local young farmer just getting into sugaring. The number of new young farmers, male and female, has exploded in Eastern Mass in the last few years. It's great to see.
(real name)
Edited 3/7/2008 9:54 am ET by veggiefahmah123
Good to meet you, Tom. I'm in southern NJ, very much a truck farming area. I grew up on a dairy and vegetable farm, worked years in the vegetable and processing industry, then eventually landed in the ornamental business.
Where and what are you farming?
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