I’d like to learn how to make my own wooden molding planes. Does anyone out there know how they made these great planes 100 years ago? Are there any books on the subject?
I’d like to learn how to make my own wooden molding planes. Does anyone out there know how they made these great planes 100 years ago? Are there any books on the subject?
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The Hand Plane Book covers this on at least a "scratching the surface" level.
See if this link will work for you. It has a video available as well. It seems to me that Mario Rodriquez teaches a moulding plane class or perhaps the workshop there in Rockport, Me.
Good luck with your search,
Thanks for the suggestions guys!
Hi Scott
This may help ,I recollect seeing an article in fww by Krenov on plane making.There is a book called making wooden planes ,it is a soft cover that I have seen in bookstores . Try amazon or better yet mjd tools
Sorry it is so vague Jako
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