Looking for a light duty Floor Drill Press – Any WINNERS here?

I’m looking for a light duty floor drill press for miscelleous uses. I’m looking at four models at the moment.
Any STRONG opinions about if one of these is a clear winner, or must-be-avoided:
- Delta 17-950L (http://www.deltaportercable.com/Products/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=14999)
- Ridgid DP1550 (http://www.ridgid.com/Tools/DP1550-Drill-Press/)
- Porter Cable PCB660DP (http://www.deltaportercable.com/Products/ProductDetail.aspx?ProductID=24037)
- Delta 17-965 (https://www.finewoodworking.com/ToolGuide/ToolGuideProduct.aspx?id=5422)
- Delta 17-968 (variable speed on the fly) http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0000CCXTF?ie=UTF8&tag=toolcritic-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B0000CCXTF
Many thanks for any opinions.
My preference would lean toward one of the Delta models. Between those you have listed, perhaps more toward the 17-959L, based on an extra inch of quill travel and the 3/4hp motor. For longer quill travel, however, you might also consider the 18-900L (6" quill travel compared to 4 7/8" on the 17-959L).
I purchased the Ridgid and was disappointed. The bolts in the base were not aligned properly. The chuck needs too much force to open and close, the build quality is mediocre.
Therefore, I would avoid the Ridgid. If I had to do over again, I'd spend the extra money and buy the Powermatic. Pricey, but you get what you pay for.
I purchased the Ridged almost four years ago and have been quit pleased with it. The chuck requires a little force but so does my milwaukee hole shooter. The fit and finish are pretty good and more than acceptable for a machine in this price range. As I recall it took a couple hours to assemble and tune up but well worth the effort. While I would agree the Powermatic is top of the line I don't see how much better a hole it can make, and at a third of the cost I consider it a worthwhile purchase. The tool review was pretty accurate and the runout is almost nil.
I have no regrets, i'd buy it again.
Not on your list, but
For what you are talking about, a LIGHT DUTY Drill Press, you might go over to Harbor Freight and see what they have. I have one of their bench tops, does everything I need to do in my shop, and it was just $70.00! Some of their "floor" models do run to abour $250, with all the gadgets. While you are there, pick up a vise for it as well.
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