Did anyone else attempt to order Lawson perspective charts and run in to difficulty? I’m really wanting to use them, per the article, and I’m wondering if anyone knows of a different source (obviously for not $400).
Did anyone else attempt to order Lawson perspective charts and run in to difficulty? I’m really wanting to use them, per the article, and I’m wondering if anyone knows of a different source (obviously for not $400).
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try Barnes & Noble
They have 16 or so for around $60. http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/lawson-perspective-charts-phillip-j-lawson/1014543337
thank you
I saw that one. They are listed as unavailable. There is a private seller with them @ $70. $20 over list, and $32 over the articles original stated price. If anyone else has any luck, let me know, please.
I to was stumped trying to order the Lawson perspective charts mentioned in the magazine article. However, I just placed an order the Lawson Perspective Charts from a site called Lulu.com. The price was $43.16 plus shipping ($7.99). I won't know until the package arrives but I think these are the charts.
I have a set of charts
While going through my old college stuff I came across a set of Lawson Perspective Charts revised edition that was barely used and is still in the original cardboard tube. I know this is an older post but if anyone is interested I will sell them for $40, free shipping. contact me at [email protected] if you are interested.
Lawson Charts
Received a few emails and the charts are sold. I am glad I was able to find them a good home!
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