i spray lacquered a small box today and i’m wondering how long i should wait to rub out the finish. my spraying produced uneven results and i don’t want to build up more finish, just want to rub it out and wax it.
thank you,
i spray lacquered a small box today and i’m wondering how long i should wait to rub out the finish. my spraying produced uneven results and i don’t want to build up more finish, just want to rub it out and wax it.
thank you,
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What uneven finish did it produce? You can rub it out in a few hours in a warm climate like here in GA. Maybe your finish fisheyed. You can drop a few drops of Smoothie into your mix and stop that.
Another product for fisheye eliminator is Ditzler's fish eye eliminator.. Basically it's just silicone to turn it into one giant fisheye.
Or he could have dry sprayed it which will also produce a blotchie finish.
thanks for responding. the finish is just heavier on one end than the other. apparently i didn't spray it evenly. i haven't seen any fisheyes and they have not seen me.
have a great day,
The problem with "fish eye" eliminator is that it is just pure silicone. As you say, it effectively turns the surface into one large fisheye.However, the problem is that any thing that any overspray gets on will become silicone contaminated as will your spray equipment and/or brushes. I would never recommend using a fish eye eliminator. There are other ways to deal with silicone contamination.Howie.........
When he came back and clarified the issue I understood.. I have a can that,.... cripes, must be more than a decade old and it's still nearly full.. I can imagine the circumstances when I would need it so it sits there.
SO since I understand what causes the problem I don't have issues (anymore) However trying to show and explain all of that to a newbie is a lot more typing than I'm willing to do.
Standing by your side I could point out the issues and what to look for and how to prevent it etc. pretty quickly. Not sitting here trying to describe things and not have the idea misunderstood or confused.
Then there are the do it my way police ready to jump in and revise you because they do things this way and that's the only possible right way and if you do it differant you are wrong and need to be punished ! Types
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