Hi –
Have attempted 2 or 3 times over the past year or two to attach a sketch to a post or reply, but it seems that my router’s firewall must be standing in the way of communication between my PC and the Knots server. (I’m guessing here. Just can’t get ’em to play nicely.)
Anyone have any ideas or experience that might help get me around this?
Thanks —
“What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone
monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others.”
John, it might help if you detail just what you did. How did you do the sketch, what format is it in? JPEG's under 100KB seem to work well. The Attach File button that is under the posting message box usually leads you through step by step. When you click the Choose File button are you able to get access to your files? After you press the Upload button, nothing happens for a while. Eventually the name of your file will appear in the box. Once you have uploaded all the files you want, press the Done button. You can then hit the Preview button and see how the file looks before posting. I think the wait after hitting the Upload button confuses some folks because there is nothing going on to indicate anything is working.
Beat it to fit / Paint it to match
Thanks for all of your input - you folks are great. This is a trial to see if anything (?) works before going further.Hmmm -very interesting. I actually changed nothing, save for enabling cookies. It took 3 tries before error messages ceased, but it did eventually transfer the file.Some of you may be interested in details:
1) I never post large files - always jpgs or gifs under (usually) 20k.2) O/S WIN-XP Professional, Browser Netscape 7.x on a fairly new 3.6 1GB machine. NetGear router. (I have P/C and Bosch, too, but doubt that they're affecting this ... har.)3) AntiVirus "Panda" which is set to allow certain popups - no interference there. Netscape ditto.4) Obviously, my router firewall theory was was a lovely accusation but pure hogwash.Gonna try 2nd image to see what happens.Success! No hesitation whatsoever. Arrgh - now I'm really confused. Must have something to do with windage.Thanks again for all of your generous responses - at least they got me to try again.Regards to all,---John=======================================================
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone
monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."
Looks like your problems solved now John.
Hi, Mike - Yah - I've a hunch that I was missing the cookies message, and that it took a cycle or two to get it working once I'd enabled them. I'm gettin' too old for this stuff.---John
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone
monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."
John.I forgot to mention in my first post,it took me three days to figure out how to post a picture.My problem was with pop up blocker,had to allow pop ups from this site.Next time I have problems I'm gonna get the kid next door to figure it out.
Him Mike - I think it's funny, in a pathetic sort of way. We work our tails off for years to become fairly proficient, and a few key strokes has us back in the dark ages. The price of progress. Arrrrgh. At least me d..d chisels still cut the same way ...---John=======================================================
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone
monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."
John, the secruity stuff in XP can drive you nuts! Who knows what lurks behind that lovely shield logo. Did it ask you any questions?? Glad you were able to post the pics. I will definitely "Glue all surfaces center tenon" ;-)forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
Hi, F/G ...No questions. I was lucky in that my neighbor is both expert and good friend (and 25 years younger...!) At his suggestion, I minimized XP security control in favor of Panda's, and avoided Panda's firewall by using the router. It's worked nicely, and I've had neither intrusion nor unnecessary frustration about *that* aspect, at least. I'm something of an M/S basher, and won't even allow M/S software on my machine, save for the ubiquitous windoz O/S. Makes everything else behave itself. Shades of W95.It's sort of ironic, I guess. I wrote Fortran in college, used the early Commodores and Sinclairs, was really good with DOS, grew up in Win3.x, cursed 95/98, and am now hopelessly lost in the quagmire of XP. Nowadays I can usually half understand when instructed, but that's about it.Please note that for breadboard glue to adhere, it must be applied from east to west, and you must be wound properly....---John
"What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone
monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others."
John, one thing they (Sysop) always ask is: what browser do you use? May not matter in this instance, but just in case....
Have you tested the router theory by taking it out of the loop and just connecting straight to the modem?
Size shouldn't matter ;-) -- some folks, unfortunately, post huge files, like 400 or 500 kb or even >1 mb. Any format file will upload, as far as I can tell (have seen .jpg; .bmp; .doc; and all kinds of dot.somethings that are off my radar -- mostly CAD stuff). Whether we can read them, with our given software, is another matter.
forestgirl -- you can take the girl out of the forest, but you can't take the forest out of the girl ;-)
I haven't been able to upload image files for several months. I think it's got something to do with my virus protection, but haven't been able to diagnose the problem.
What happens is ... well, nothing.
I open a box, like the one I'm currently typing in, go to the bottom and click on 'attach files' and ... nothing happens!
Very annoying
Your virus protection is set to block pop-ups. Go into your virus protection software's options and search for it and turn it off while you test to see if you can attach a file. I had the same problem when I updated my virus software.
If your computer operating system is Windows XP I might have a solution. Hold down the "control" key when you click on the link to upload an image. For some reason, XP blocks pop-up windows, and the Prospero window for uploading images is a popup.
Let me know if that works for you.
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