I am making a horisontal router table…. YEP my old Ryobies.. Dang Just me….
I am about finished with it… Slides work PERFECT! on X & Y and Z sort of good.. Working on that… I think it’s my good old trusty router! Damn!
I do a lot of doors for folks.. So sort of on the big side because them old doors are THICK!..
Just asking..
What would you EXPERTS! Suggest for the ‘frills’.. Such as hold downs and such..
I will post PIC if ya want.. With drawings if you want… May take awhile.. I sit down out of my shop and reach fer the Jack Daniels and ‘WE’ don’t get much done!
Will take a look at the ones I am using in this message 23579.32
Regards - Steve
Good morning Will
If I understand what you are makeing, is much like the panal king.
check it out!
I had it finished and THEN I decided to make the router be able to tilt a bit.. Hardly ever use that feature but sometimes.. Thought it would save me making a wedge!
I'll post Pictures ASAP.. No Lectric here most of yesterday and today.. Well.. ON and OFF because of storms,,, Gee WE NEED RAIN but not all at once!
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