I have some scraps of wood that I salvaged from a freight pallet at my wife’s office. I have no idea what the wood is or where the pallet came from. The wood is extremely hard and brittle. It has sort of a reddish brown tint to it. Seems to work rather well with either hand tools or machine. Anyone care to venture a guess?
PS: I tried to attach some photos, but alas they didn’t arrive…???
Edited 3/12/2008 7:33 pm by harrycu
Try it again
Well...what am I doing wrong?
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
Are you trying to attach a photo? Click the Attach Files button. In the dialog that pops up, click the Browse button to locate the file of interest on your computer, then click the Upload button to upload the file to the server. Once the file has finished uploading, the dialog will update itself and indicate that it has finished (by listing the filename at the top). Click the Done button to close the dialog, then post the message as usual.
Ok, I'll try her once more...thought I did all that, but maybe I left something out...
Steve, I tried it again and I keep getting an error message that says, "Sorry, an error has occurred (ID: 003-072-81654) Please try your request again."
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
Hmmm. Can't help with that. Are you using the Browse button to locate the file, rather than typing in the name?
The wood is probably a Shorea species of some kind (variously known as lauan, meranti, Phillipine mahogany, etc.). That's a wild guess, but I'm willing to bet up to $5 that that's what it is. ;-)
Well...I couldn't prove you wrong or right...I have no idea. ;)
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
Hiya Steve ,
Would that be $5 to each of us , in case you are not right ?
It's $5 total. You guys have to decide for yourselves how to split it up.
Harry,I'm no computer expert so I can't help much, but I've seen mention in the past that a pop-up blocker can cause problems when you're trying to attach files. If you're using one of those you might try disabling it temporarily. If that doesn't help I'd try doing a search here and over at Breaktime. You're certainly not the first person who's had the problem. Dan
If you're running XP, you can hold down the Ctrl key to temporarily disengage the pop up blocker on most of them.
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Thanks for the help.
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
Hey Bob, it's not a pop-up's either a runtime or timeout error. The dialogue box comes up and I go thru all the steps, but while I'm waiting for the pic to upload I get an error message and no attachment. The error message reads, "Sorry, an error has occurred (ID: 003-073-63272) Please try your request again."
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
If it were me I'd pull out the big guns and contact either FWW Customer Service or Prospero. You can contact Prospero by clicking on the Prospero Technologies, LLC in blue at the very bottom of the screen in Knots.
If you're trying to upload a huge pic, I'd make it smaller and try again.
Give em the error message when you do.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 3/13/2008 6:23 pm ET by KiddervilleAcres
Hey, how're you guys guessin the wood without seein it!?
Feelin like Mr. Magoo here,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Thanks Bob, I'll do that.
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
Hey guys, I think I finally got it to work. Take a peek. See descriptions in OP.
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
Well, it came out crap...
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
i think you're right! it's a reddish brown mystery wood.
Maybe just a leeeetle bit bigger. ;-)
I still say Shorea.
OK, fess up man. What did you (un)fix?
Heck, for young fella like yourself, you might still have future helping us old farts!
I think it's jarrah.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Edited 3/13/2008 8:41 pm ET by KiddervilleAcres
Jes playin wit de size...
Let's see what this looks like.
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
I don't know what's screwing up the color.
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
I don't know what's screwing up the color.
Ummmm..... that would be your P.O.S. camera ;)
Seriously though, it looks to be some sort of reddish brown wood with indistinguishable grain.
I think you may be onto something... ;^)
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
What camera are you using and what is the resolution set to? What software are you using to resize it?
Typically I set my camera to the highest resolution it can handle and I use Irfanview to resize it and I save it as a .jpg file instead of the .bmp file.
Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
It is a P.O.S. camera as another poster stated and I have it set to the lowest resolution size (I guess I was going the wrong way with that) and I used Irfanview to resize.
I'll take another pic with higher resolution and try againl
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
With 100% certainty, complete confidence, and God's own endorsement, I can say that particular piece of wood is definitely....
kinda reddish brown.
I think you hit the nail on the head... LOL
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
When you save it in Irfanview, save it as a jog file, OK?
Regards,Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
A jog file?
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
Bob meant JPG. His fingers are bigger than the keys on his keyboard. (Neanderthals and all that...)
Ugh, we don't need no stinkin dust collector.Bob @ Kidderville Acres
A Woodworkers mind should be the sharpest tool in the shop!
Hey now. That was a little bit out of line there Steve. Neanderthals have feelings too. Didn't you see the commercial?Don't ask me how else I would know this. K
"I don't know what's screwing up the color"
"Must be a faulty magneto!"
Mr Magoo
I THINK it's quartersawn white oak, but that's just my guess.
Quartersawn white oak? with a reddish brown color? You could be right...but I don't think so. Thanks for your attempt, anyway.
Following the path of least resistance makes rivers and men crooked.
HA HA HA HA! This has turned out to be the funniest thread I've read in a long time. I just about pee'd myself when I saw the first picture you posted -- it could've been a paint swatch for all the detail it revealed.
Sorry Harry, I don't mean to poke fun of you, but this was a funny thread.
I see as lot of this wood in pallettes from Asia. I agree with the response of a species of shorea. we used to use tons of meranti and luan ply at my shop and it all looked like that. I used to save lager pieces of this pallette wood for personal use, but in the end I never did much with it.
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