I just tried to respond to someone with a question about dye. My response triggered this sites spam filter. Seems like simple responses are now regarded as spam at Knots which is not a good sign for anyone trying to get information here. No wonder people just leave
Knots attracts many new woodworkers because of the draw of the magazine. It is unfortunate that they are likely to be turned away by how poorly the forum software functions. Recommendations have been made for other solutions to the spammer problem common to most online forums, but those suggestions appear to have fallen on deaf ears.
I just don't get it...
Here we have some guy trying to sell nude cross stitch pictures and he has no trouble with the filter at all. He is now posting on several Knots forums. I have reported each one to no avail.
The spam problem is still limiting the posts of long time members with no fix in sight.
But now they have gone to the trouble of adding a new feature that is worthless IMO.
Just now, filling in the Subject field, after I typed in the letter I , and before I could type just don’t get it, a drop down list with a bunch of sentences beginning with the letter I appeared. It seemed to be a list of all old posts or perhaps old Subject fields that I had written that started out I found, I looked, I think, I am... as if I am in the habit of writing the same subject over and over.
IWTWSKOSCFIATMHO (I Wish There Was Some Kind Of Short Cut For I Am Tearing My Hair Out)
Reporting spam
I've tagged all those posts as "inappropriate" as well. In theory, that should send a message to the forum administrator, but it appears no one is monitoring that account.
Good news, kinda
At least the chinese moron is gone, for now. But it should not have taken so long to eliminate the vermin. This site is deteriorating rapidly due to lack of oversight from the publisher.
I tried for 20 minutes to post a question about the fence on my PM2000 only to have the filter refuse it. I finally gave up and posted it elsewhere (with absolutely no problems I might add).
If anyone from Taunton reads this, fix this site or watch it die in the very near future!
spam filter behavior
The triggering of the spam filter appears to be completely random.
Getting on the filter-bypass list by contacting Gina (user "geide") is the best solution.
The spam filter won't let me respond on the Finishing Forum to a posting to me from "Westchester", who took me to task for "bashing" the forum over FWW's non-responce to the frustrating issues of this forum. Maybe a new posting will work.
May I suggest that you look back at my prior postings. You will find that I made one prior comment regarding the "spam" issue. I hardly think that that is "bashing" after more than ten years of participation on this board.
I hung in during the problems associated with the "new" software a number of years ago. Most of the issues then were resolved but a few remained and there has been no observable effort to fix them. To resolve the "spam" issue I commented on in my prior posting all I recieved was a responce from a user to contact Taunton to get on a special list of users who were not subject to the spam filter. That's hardly a solution--it's a workaround usable for short term solutions. The real answer is to fix the problem. Who knows how many folks have become frustrated and just never came back?
In this case I just wanted to let Richard know that there have been continuing problems and it's not something he is or is not doing. Richard has been a continuing and very long running user of this forum.
I had been signing in for the past few weeks to see if some users who I had conversed with still need assistance. As none seem to have the need of more info, I will be ceasing to "look in".
Your submission has triggered the spam filter and will not be accepted.
I have tried five or six times to post an observation about Taunton's Threads magazine forum "Gatherings" where comments about forum problems are very similar to ours but all I get is the not accepted note above. Lets see if this goes through.
. I was struck by some of the comments on the sub forum Gather for a Chat:Where is everyone? What has happened to this forum? Why so many problems, the members were asking. It was just like being on Knots.
HA It accepted the bottom half of my post after I cut the top off.
You're a good contributor here, Howie, so I would encourage you to "endeavor to perservere". (One of my favorite quotes from the movie, "The Outlaw Josie Wales".)
I agree that getting on the filter-bypass list is a work-around, at best. But, that may be the best we can do at this point, since Taunton doesn't appear to have the resources to fix the problems right now.
If you get this message then just change your IP through IP changer or use proxy and then make comments, I hope you will be able to make comments.
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