A poster on another forum asked about building an electric guitar. I directed him over here and promised to post a request so I could point him in the right direction. Can some of the guitar players and instrument makers provide a link to your favorite sites and a discussion board on guitar making as reliable as Knots?
I’ve seen the musical instrument makers forum at www.mimf.org offered as a resource. Are there any others?
Thanks in advance for your help.
tony b.
There's some stuff on the newsgroups. rec.music.makers.builders and a couple others. Probably a dozen forums and mailing lists. MIMF is reasonable. They want to be "pure" and edit out any mention of either $ or any commercial web sites that are not (paying!) sponsors. Seeing that a lot of guitar building boils down to "where can I get one of those and what does it cost", that's annoying. Doing it as a hobby and earning money at it are entirely different things. There are a lot of semi-pro people on mimf, but the serious professionals are not so common. There are hundreds if not thousands of sites that discuss instruments these days. The Guild of American Luthiers (http://www.gal.org) has an extensive list. Frank Ford's site is simply excellent (http://www.frets.com). Oriented towards repair rather than building. Do a web search. I did a quick search on "guitar makers forum" and came up with 97,000 hits.
So far as "reliable", that's another story. For the most part, you get what you pay for. The forums are free.
http://www.13thfret.com Lots of luthiers and enthusiasts.
http://www.mimf.com. The best I've found; freindly and helpful, outrageously knowledgable. Site for all musical instrment makers.
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