Grizzly recently came out with a 14″ bandsaw at $375 – they call it the “Ultimate” bandsaw model no GO555. Haven’t seen any reviews yet – does anyone have any experience with this saw? Time to replace my old Sears 12″ and this looks like a good package for the price. Any comments/first hand experience would be greatly appreciated!
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I cannot give you first hand info, but I have scrutinized it on paper and this thing is a steal at $375. Notice the features of much more expensive BS's. Roller bearing, quick tension, 1 HP, etc. Comes with a fence and the stand has been re-inforced. ( I usually throw the base away and make my own).
If you do not need additional HP and don't do a tremendous amount of re-saw, this IMO is an exceptional value. I have heard some good comments on other forums, but it has not been on the floor a-running that long. Hopefully, some users will post that have bought it. I am as curious as you to what they have to say.
My money is locked in for it, I'm just waiting patiently for user feed-back. I don't get in a hurry.
Much luck in the chase...
Sarge - I'm the same way, ready to buy (even have the banker in the family convinced that I need it) but I wanted some validation from someone who'd gotten their hands on one that it was a good machine. I haven't done any resawing on a bandsaw (only because I've never had one capable of) but have a current project where the need has arisen - I'll probably wait a few more days and see what kind of feedback surfaces.
If you plan to do a lot of extensive re-sawing, you might consider waiting and getting one in the 1 1/2 HP range. The 1 HP is not really enough to get through above 6" hardwoods. I'm not saying it won't cut it. It is just under-powered for that scenario. I don't have a lot of real need for re-saw as most of my work is solid. But if I did, I would definitely let that factor come into play.
I did read a few comments on another forum from folks that just got it and they were very happy at this point. Why not be, as this thing has a ton of features that the Jet and Delta 14" in the $600 range don't have. With the reputation that Grizzly is building by up-grading to compete and their customer service, I have a feelin' you will get some good feedback. Let's hope, as the price is right. BTW, it does not include those ugly Price is Right Girls. ha..ha..
Sitting tight...
Sarge - thanks for the comments. I would imagine that I'll probably do minimal resawing, on those occasions where I do I'll just grit thru it and go slow. Don't know if I can afford a bigger saw - and the larger Grizzlies don't seem to have as many features. You're right, with the girls the company's image is kind of corny and outdated at times, but they do seem to be trying very hard to put out good products with great service.
If I get it, I'll post some reactions after I've had it humming for a while.
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