I know some folks thought the grain in these types of F & P assemblies I make look way different then what is normally been seen .
I will tell you typically this is done only with veneers / sheet goods , so the worry about the solid stock moving is taken out of the equation .
I can achieve grain ,matches not always possible with solid stock depending on the material I use , the look is a very consistent theme not every ones favorite for sure .
For about 10 -12 years I have been offering this style and as of yet all of the takers have been pleased .
The picture is a section of a home office / computer work space that is waiting for a counter top , which will be QSWO planked style .
This is made of Eastern Q sawn Red Oak
dusty , aboxmaker
Very interesting (inventive?). They remind me of pinecones.
Chris @ www.flairwoodwork.spaces.live.com
(soon to be www.flairwoodworks.com)
- Success is not the key to happines. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful. - Albert Schweitzer
Chris ,
It's actually a curly Quarter sawn veneer and that is what gives it the herringbone effect .
Dusty,Quite nice ! Pleasing and smart.roc
roc ,
Thanks for the kind words , I am mostly trying to find out if this style is wide spread as I thought or is it a West Coast thang .
Seems to me many years ago I saw some imported cabinets ,think SmallBone was the maker and a real high end one at that time the cat's meow , they ran the grain vertical in the 5 piece faces . I assumed it was a Euro / British style .
I also had seen the same in A&C / Craftsman works as well , it just felt right to me and I went with it and have seen others with similar looks locally .If you keep track of the panels and keep them in order it makes the smart look imo .
I like this one, because it makes no apologies for being veneer. You've got a whole design idea going with the veneer patterns, and it makes sense as a whole. Nice piece.
David Ring
David , Thanks
I hoped you would see this , as we have talked about it before .
With some veneers and grains the theme is not as dramatic , as in White Maple .The veneer needs to have some color or figure to make it special , although there is the time to be subtle and uniformly bland also .
Soon I will post pics of this last Cherry kitchen and when you see it on a larger scale I hope it will make more sense to you .Make a sample drawer front put in the showroom , you never know ?
Still you see none done this way in your worlds ?
Thanks for taking time to look
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